Learn the art of Business, One year full-time Post-Graduate Certificate in Entrepreneurship. | Batch starts from 16th September, 2024

Choose Midas School of Entrepreneurship Bengaluru Choose Midas School of Entrepreneurship Bengaluru

Why Choose MIDAS?

Start Your Own Venture or Join a Family Business

Discover innovative approaches to stimulate your creativity and generate fresh business ideas. Apply creative thinking to all aspects of business. Learn how to manage a family business, not merely because you've inherited it, but because you are genuinely qualified. Acquire skills that offer you a lifelong growth.

Becoming an Entrepreneur

A business begins with an idea, but often you may not be sure which idea is a good starting point. There are also instances when you may have no idea at all but still want to start a business. A young mind tends to think faster than ideas can be generated. Starting your own business requires creativity and innovation. From brainstorming business ideas to nurturing a startup, cultivating an entrepreneurial mindset is the key. You need to delve into every facet of business management to kick start your entrepreneurial journey with fresh and innovative startup concepts.

1 A 360 degree orientation to entrepreneurship

Midas's VenturePrep is a unique course to provide a 360 degree orientation to entrepreneurship. It provides an overall perspective to any aspiring entrepreneur and enables him/her to plug any and all weaknesses in their strengths. It adds depth to your core-strengths and dimensions to other skills required.

2 Immersive/Experiential Learning & Mentorship for your hands-on business/start-up journey

VenturePrep includes 6 months' residential immersive / experiential learning with 6 months of mentorship for your hands-on business/start-up journey. It provides learning from India's best and 'been there-done that' team of mentors and entrepreneurs led by Shri Parag Shah.

3 Helps you to turn your business ideas into executable project plans

Midas's VenturePrep enables you to hone your million dollar business ideas into executable project plans. It helps you to fine-tune your business plan and validates your idea, execution and profitability.

4 Opportunity to team up with other aspiring entrepreneurs

Midas allows you to pair up and/or team up with equally spirited group of entrepreneurs. It helps you to learn evaluating the strengths of group members and fellow travellers.

5Grooming of next-gen of business families

Midas grooms next-gen of business families in multi-dimensional prospects of their businesses and avenues for branching out into newer streams. It also helps you perfect the art and science of managing growth.

6 'Coffee with Entrepreneurs'

You will be hosting weekly 'Coffee with Entrepreneurs' at Midas's City Campus with great indoors and will get to interact with successful entrepreneurs on do's and don'ts of entrepreneurship journey.

7 Superior to any MBA for starting your own venture

Midas's VenturePrep gives you 900 hours of high-quality immersive teaching inputs fetching you 128 credits as against a standard MBA giving you 150 credits spread over 2 years. VenturePrep has no standard text books and no conventional exams either. VenturePrep is vastly superior to any MBA if your intention is to start/grow your own venture.

8 Opportunity to pitch your ideas and business plans before Angel Investors/HNIs

You will get to pitch your ideas and business plans before Angel Investors / HNIs every quarter in our Shark Tank. An assured minimum of ten best business plans in every batch will get funded from our group of Angel Investors/HNIs.

9 Monthly Town Hall Meetings with International Industry Icons

Monthly Town Hall meetings with International Industry Icons will put you in a league of your own.

10 Certificate from a Reputed University

For those for whom certifications matter, one year Certificate Course will be issued from AdiChunchanagiri University (ACU) as well as National Skill Development Centre (NSDC) and from Indian Management Association (IMA).

11 Incubation Centre

Our Plug and Play Incubation Centre will enable your pre-venture-capital stage early growth for six months without any charges.

12We cherish your accomplishments…

We get invested in your success and will cherish your accomplishments as one MIDAS family.

Bloom’s Taxonomy


Learning to DOING Family Business Track


Learning to DOING New Venture Creation Track


You might find yourself asking questions like

"I have multiple ideas, and sometimes none. Which business suits me?"

“How to prepare a business plan that attracts angel investors and venture capitalists?”

“Where can I find all the tools and resources required to start a business in one place?”

These questions may not always be considered upfront but can become significant obstacles when deeply involved in a business venture. MIDAS’s Entrepreneurship Training Program is designed to help you address these questions right from the beginning of your entrepreneurial journey. By doing so, you can avoid wasting precious time trying to figure things out and instead launch your business confidently with a scientific understanding.

Entrepreneurial Roadmap


Family-owned Business

Family-owned businesses are experiencing notable growth, outpacing their peers and playing a significant role in job creation. Elevating such enterprises to the next level involves navigating unique challenges, particularly when considering expanding family businesses. Despite the inherent risks involved in scaling operations, including hiring new employees, diversifying products or services, opening additional locations, or securing financing, familial involvement adds a distinct dynamic to the process. It's essential to carefully manage business challenges and mitigate risks while strategically investing in growth opportunities. By leveraging family dynamics and fostering a supportive environment, you can effectively grow your family business, navigate expansion, and contribute to economic growth.

You might find yourself asking questions like

Which key individuals within my family business will assist me in advancing the legacy?

What is the most suitable area for me to enter within my family business?

What is the strategic roadmap for me to propel the family business forward?

How can I surpass established norms and principles?

By addressing these questions thoughtfully and strategically, you can ensure that you are not only preserving your family's legacy but also driving it to new heights. Embrace the opportunity to innovate and lead with confidence, knowing that your efforts will contribute to the sustained success and growth of your family business.

Join us in exploring the dynamic world of entrepreneurship and innovation.

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