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Alumni Stories of Midas School of Entrepreneurship Bengaluru Alumni Stories of Midas School of Entrepreneurship Bengaluru

Meet Our Successful Alumni Shruti Kyal!


Introducing “W.H.Y.” - Wellness, Hygiene & You

We are thrilled to announce the launch of “W.H.Y.” – Wellness, Hygiene & You, founded by Shruti Kyal, an accomplished entrepreneur from Odisha with a keen interest in business and marketing. Shruti’s journey into entrepreneurship began at the Midas School of Entrepreneurship in Pune, where she gained invaluable insights through exposure to various industries, interactions with diverse professionals, and hands-on practical learning experiences.

Her time at Midas was a transformative period, steering her towards a mission close to her heart – women’s hygiene. This passion culminated in the creation of “W.H.Y.,” a brand dedicated to enhancing women’s health and hygiene.

“W.H.Y.” focuses on providing high-quality, affordable period panties, specifically designed for women experiencing heavy menstrual bleeding. By prioritizing comfort, reliability, and affordability, “W.H.Y.” aims to empower women, ensuring they can navigate their daily lives with confidence and ease.

The brand made its debut at a prestigious fest held at IIM Ahmedabad in January 2024 and has since been selected for incubation by IIM Bangalore, highlighting its promising future and potential impact.

Key Lessons from Midas School of Entrepreneurship:

Shruti reflects on her time at Midas as the turning point in her life and the catalyst for her entrepreneurial journey. She shares three pivotal lessons she learned:

Behavioral Insights: Shruti developed a deep understanding of human behavior, learning how to empathize with customers and create products that truly meet their needs.

Economic Acumen: The comprehensive curriculum at Midas equipped Shruti with the economic knowledge necessary to make sound business decisions, from budgeting to scaling her startup.

Leadership and Team Building: Interacting with diverse professionals and participating in various projects helped Shruti hone her leadership skills, fostering a collaborative and innovative team culture.

Critical Thinking and Design Thinking: Courses in critical thinking and design thinking reshaped Shruti’s approach to problem-solving, encouraging innovative and user-centric solutions.

Effectuation and Critical Problem Solving: Studying effectuation and critical problem solving instilled a mindset of adaptability and resourcefulness, essential for navigating the uncertainties of entrepreneurship.

Execution is Key: Ideas alone are not enough; the importance of execution cannot be overstated.

Choose Happiness: Happiness is a choice that empowers and motivates.

Follow Your Passion: Professor Parag Shah’s words, “People either follow the dream or the dreamer,” have been a guiding principle for Shruti.

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