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Unlock your inner Entrepreneur at Midas Bengaluru

Workshop on “Unlock Your Inner Entrepreneur: A Creative Workshop for Undergraduates”

  • Event: Workshop on “Unlock Your Inner Entrepreneur: A Creative Workshop for Undergraduates”
  • Date: May 27, 2024
  • Time: 10:30 AM to 12:30 PM
  • Venue: Yuvalaya, Sri Adichunchanagiri College of Pharmacy (SACCP)
  • Speakers: Prof. Parag Shah, Prof. Pooja Shah

We are delighted to share highlights from our recent event, the Workshop on “Unlock Your Inner Entrepreneur,” tailored specifically for undergraduate students. Held at the esteemed SACCP on May 27, 2024, this engaging workshop was meticulously crafted to invigorate entrepreneurial fervor among our future leaders, equipping them with indispensable skills and insights.

Guided by a set of well-defined objectives, the workshop aimed to achieve the following:

Cultivate Entrepreneurial Mindsets: Nurturing an ethos of innovation and originality, encouraging students to embrace entrepreneurial thinking.

Impart Practical Wisdom: Offering pragmatic advice and real-world anecdotes from seasoned entrepreneurs, facilitating a deeper comprehension of the entrepreneurial journey.

Foster Skill Enrichment: Providing students with essential tools such as ideation techniques, business planning strategies, and effective marketing approaches.

Cultivate Networking Opportunities: Establishing platforms for students to connect with accomplished entrepreneurs and like-minded peers, fostering collaborative endeavors.

Stimulate Startup Ventures: Motivating students to explore entrepreneurial ventures, arming them with the requisite resources to initiate their entrepreneurial odyssey.

The workshop commenced with an illuminating address by Dr. B Ramesh, followed by a compelling discourse from the esteemed Vice-Chancellor, Dr. M.A. Shekar, who underscored the contemporary significance of entrepreneurship in today’s dynamic economic landscape. Prof. Parag Shah and Prof. Pooja Shah, distinguished for their entrepreneurial acumen and academic contributions, captivated the audience with their insightful keynote addresses, elucidating their personal entrepreneurial trajectories, challenges confronted, and the innovative strategies deployed to surmount these obstacles.

Interactive sessions, featuring engaging brainstorming activities, group discussions, and illuminating case studies, provided attendees with a hands-on learning experience, fostering creative ideation and collaborative problem-solving.

The event culminated with a heartfelt expression of gratitude by Dr. Vedamurthy Joshi, extending appreciation to the distinguished speakers, the dedicated organizing committee, and the enthusiastic participants for their invaluable contributions in ensuring the resounding success of the workshop. Dr. Joshi further encouraged students to leverage the acquired insights in their future pursuits, thereby catalyzing their professional growth and fostering a culture of innovation within our academic community.

The profound impact of this workshop resonates deeply within the SACCP student body, igniting a newfound passion for entrepreneurship while equipping them with the requisite tools and acumen to pursue their entrepreneurial aspirations. This transformative event not only fosters innovation and creativity but also lays the groundwork for the emergence of pioneering startups within our student community, thereby propelling Adichunchanagiri University into the vanguard of entrepreneurial excellence.

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